About JPMS coin release announcement

2024/11/11 JPMS


Inrecent years, due to the continuous maturity of the global digital currencymarket system, it has gained the attention and recognition of the majority ofinvestors; digital currency will be an irreversible trend in the payment andinvestment market. Based on the current mechanism of the global digitalcurrency market, JPMorgan Chase is committed to the research and developmentand innovation of the global digital currency market economic system; thecurrent research and development of blockchain technology has an independent,mature and complete Economic system, and the ecological chain of payment,collection, investment, and value-added.(JPMorgan Chase) In the past few years,the Digital Currency Innovation Lab has been exploring and researching "JPMS coin". It has not only improved the economic system of digital currency,but has also developed a system independent of "JPMS coin". operatingsystem. "JPMS coin" is not only a blockchain technology forcross-border payment and collection, but also value-added investment. It is anextremely stable market risk-avoidance value investment.

For"JPMS coin", which has been successfully developed for the first time,we have fully mastered the maturity of technology; in terms of payment,collection and investment technology of "JPMS coin", "JPMS coin" has mature experience and security system. Digital currencies issuedby other blockchain pseudo-technology cannot be compared.After the successfuldevelopment of "JPMS coin", "JPMS coin" was introduced to theboard of directors by Jamie Dimon, the chairman and CEO of JPMorgan ChaseGroup, and the newly appointed chief of JPMorgan’s Asia Pacific DigitalCurrency Innovation Lab: Nicolas Aguzin. Issue matters.

Theissue of "JPMS coin" was unanimously approved by the board of directorsof JPMorgan Chase Group. After discussion by the board of directors, it wasdecided to conduct the first round of limited release in the primary market inthe Asia-Pacific region.The release date is: November  11th, 2024; the release

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